F 1 D 0 -- 02 07 13 at 23 59


I just looked this word up, since I felt
that what I was typing tonight was rather


".... cosmic, cosmical; mundane, terrestrial, terrestrious, terraqueous..."

"..., earthly, earthly-minded; mundane; worldly, worldly- minded..."

"..., antichristian. worldly, mundane, earthly, carnal; worldly minded..."

When I read this, I suddenly grasp that
I've been using language all wrong.

I wanted to whine that I don't have
much to write about, so I'll tell you
about the things I've cooked and eaten
again. Yawn.

Mundane, right?

Well, not cosmic.
And perhaps earthly, in a distant way.
And not likely antichristian.

But here, let me tell you what I made for us
tonight, before I go so far off topic, I cannot
get back to this.

10 large frozen shrimp, marinated in 
2oz lemon juice
QS garlic salt

Leave them in the stuff until they
seem done. Or if you're chicken about
them being raw, nuke them for almost a
minute until they turn a bit orange.
Then return them to the marinade until
you're ready to eat them.

To go with that, I 

nuked an ear of corn
boiled some rice
rinced some bean sprouts
mixed some wasabi
cut some cantaloupe.

All of this because I felt like making
something light for a change.

Too bad I started at 11pm.
And too bad by the time it
was finished, it was not as
light as I started out.

Not enough boring for you?

My bread yesterday came out *perfect*.
What makes a perfect bread?

I like the bread to rise fully, but not
so fully that it gloops out over the top
messing up the machine. I don't like the
middle to be wet when it says the bread
is done. I want it to be moist enough to
live outside, without a bread bag, so it
gets crunchy crust, but doesn't get a hard
centre. I always add a lot of nutty things
to a bread, so it feels like a multigrain

This one is a dark loaf, and has
cocoa, but doesn't make it get a
chocolate taste. Just a smell of
that during baking.

If you don't have (or desire) Guar
Gum, leave it out. But the liquid
needed will be different.

First! Start Bread Machine!
Then add...
1ts yeast
  onto floor of baking pan
  And then on top of that...
2c white flour
3ts cocoa powder, rounded measure, crushing lumps
.5ts Guar Gum
.5c oat bran
.5c flax seed
.5c roasted sunflower seed

  In a one-cup measure
1ts yeast
1oz corn syrup to cover
1oz hot water to double
1 egg
1oz oil
qs milk to One Cup Total
  pour it into the mixing, then
Another cup of water and milk and oil mixed together.

As it mixes, watch the consistency.
If it needs the liquid, pour it in
as needed. I did.

I use a Black and Decker bread machine
that was given to me in lieu of payment
by a lawyer I did work for years ago. 
It has taken a few bumps in transit, but
I still use it, a few times a week.

- -
I'm not sure this is a good idea, but I've
been reading the web log diaries of others,
looking to see what good things have happened
to them. 

One person to check out is http://wilwheaton.net
This guy used to play Wesley Crusher, but has
truly grown beyond that, and does remarkable
writing. Go see.

I've -almost- met Debbie Ohi. She is a friend
of Bryan, whom I've done Christmas and New
Years parties with over the years. I've been
reading her work on and off for a long time,
but try to have a look at least once a week
to see what is happening in my old part of the
world. Visit http://www.electricpenguin.com/blatherings/

I subscribe to Need to Know. You can read it without
subscribing to it. Just go look at http://www.ntk.net

They have a British take on Computer Events
of the world. But when you live in Canada,
so many things have an American viewpoint. 
So this is refreshing, even if it feels so
foreign to me. 

Don't panic if their site doesn't work. It
didn't work for me either, when testing the
links in today's journal.

The reason I'm not sure about whether it is
a good idea to read others is how I pale 
insignificant afterwards. Sigh. 

I laughed at the movies recently.
Go see Men In Black II.

It has everything you expect from a good
summer sequel. The same characters, the same
plot, the same last minute stuff. It also has
the things you hate about sequels. They answer
the questions about why you didn't see people
from the last movie in the new one.  There are
some things that should just be left to universe
as an unanswered question.

Don't believe me? Go see Star Wars Episode One.
What's with these guys? METICHLORIANS? Symbiant
parasites within us?! That's the force, right? 
They would have done better to have the Jedi 
answer more honestly. "Unfortunately, no one can 
be told what the Force is. You have to see it for 
yourself."  Or "No, no, there is no why. Nothing 
more will I teach you today. Clear your mind 
of questions."

Hey, do you ever want to have the cinema practically
to yourself? Go see a movie which has a 1020 showing,
followed by a 1040 showing. Everyone is at the early
one, and you and six other people are watching by 
yourselves. If you are seeing something very exciting,
very sexy, then this privacy could be a good thing.

Oh, I remember how this affected Pee-Wee Herman, so
maybe you shouldn't take this advice.

Will Smith is the serious guy in this episode. He's
even more serious than Rip Torn, as Agent Z.

No, it is everyone else who has the good sense of
humour. The bad guys. The bad girls. The wonderful
monsters. Everybody.

I'll bet you've all had heat waves for weeks now.
Well, we here in Thunder Bay have only just started
getting very hot. I'm melting. Or my body fat is 

During the heat, I take pleasure in working 
out at the gym. It is air conditioned!

If I could find a way to describe my
routine to you, so you got the rhythm,
I'd do it. Maybe next time around. But
for now, know that I'm ready for a class
to lead.

Before we went away to the United Kingdom, we went
to one of the Lunch Bunch Friday things, and someone
was handing out chocolates from their trip. Tiny
wafers, with a very pretty picture on each one.
Courtesy of Lindt & Sprungli. Hey, these people,
the ones in Toronto, used to be my customers. Very
nice people.

I'd been saying "I want to scan these images in."
Why? Because the pretty mylar foil pictures will
become part of some kind artwork, and I wanted to
remember the images, that's why.

I thought the pictures were rather nice when you
consider their function was adornment for a moment,
until you inhale the thin slice of chocolate within.

Here is another image for you.

I really like eagles. But for some reason, in art
and in photographs, they're always shown so serious.

There are lots of small things happening around here.

But that's not what I wanted to write to you about.
I wish I could remember. I knew yesterday. I had a
single word in place, which was to represent the
theme for my entry today. 

Is porridge the word? I just went upstairs to ask Ann
if she was alright, as I heard coughing up there. She's
hot too. In fact, the bedroom is hotter than from where
I'm writing you, immediately below.

Porridge, the scottish stuff, appeals to me. On my
trip moving out this way, I found a place which
sold Steel Cut Oats. It is in Sault Ste Marie, at
the small health food shop next to Greyhound.
So now, I use the joke word "oats" to mean anything
food based which we have no more need for.

"Let's go shopping after work. What do we need?"


More food. Feh. This is just awful! 

I want to talk of art, of music, of 
science, of mathematics!

I want to rant and rave about people
who emotionally stepped on my toes.

I want to sucker you into moving out this
way, because this place is so beautiful. No?
Then I want to make the place seem so awful that
you never want to visit. Something!

This reminds me of the visits we used to
make to the grand parents. When they lived
on the corner of Bathurst and Steeles Ave, in 
Toronto, we'd visit, and I remember a lot of
very quiet very boring Sundays. I looked forward
to this, but still, it was boring.

But it got worse once we started the visits to
see them at Baycrest, the nursing home. "So,
Ma, what did you have for lunch?" "Cottage
Cheese." "Oh, cottage cheese is good." "Yeah,
it's good." "And what else?" "Juice." "Oh, 
juice is good too." ...

Somehow, my writing too much about daily creations
in the kitchen smacks of "cottage cheese" and "juice".
Yeah, it's good.

But better material isn't forthcoming.
I'm trying. Nope. Still nothing.

Instead, all that comes to mind is "I'm melting!, I'm
melting! What a world, what a world! How could a good 
little girl like you destroy my perfect wickedness!"

Paper and pen. That's what will happen next time I'm
struck with a wonderful idea. I will write it down, and
have it for when I need it.

That's all I know.