04 apr 20 The Merry Andrew BN5:08,12 3cu Longways 1 Cu1 Cu2 RH star half TurnSingle L 2 Cu1 Cu2 LH star half TurnSingle R 3 Cu2 Cu3 RH star half TurnSingle L 4 Cu2 Cu3 LH star half TurnSingle R 5 R diag set RL pass R sh (no diag? hold still) 6 Cu2 (now at end) orbit CW followed by nei 7 L diag set LR pass L sh (no diag? hold still) 8 MiddleCu (now at ends) orbit CCW followed by nei Helena 4cu BN4:7 1 Up a double and back 2 Set turn S half way face down 3 Down a double and back 4 Set TS 5 Middle couples half figure eight outward 6 Middle Circle four halfway Fall back with neighbour 7 Face neighbour Begin 4 changes of Grand Chain 8 Partner 2H turn to proper Jacob Hall's Jig BN3:12 dupleminor A1 M1 W2 RH turn quick; M1 W1 LH turn quick M1 W1 W2 circle R to place A2 M2 W1 LH turn quick; M2 W2 RH turn quick M2 W1 W2 circle L to place B1 Cu1 lead down, lead back btw Cu2 (line 4 face music) Line up and back, bend line B2 Circle L Cu1 lead thru Cu2, cast back, M1 ready to start again Waters of Holland BN0:2 3cu (Cu2 improper) B1 Top 2 M Bottom 2 W set and trade places (R diag) New partner swing or 2H 1½ B2 Top 2 W bottom 2 M set and trade places (L diag) New partner swing or 2H 1½ 1A up a double and back, down a double and back 2A siding 3A arming Barberini's Tambourine BN7:13 duple minor sheetmusic A1 1cor cast L around Nei, Pass each other L Loop R around partner to corner's place A2 2cor cast R around Nei, Pass each other R Loop L around partner to corner's place B1 All balance back, Cross to own side, Nei back to back Partners back to back B2 Four changes R+L with hands Partners 2H to proper Marching to Praetorius 2 couple 3 M change places, turn Nei halfway 4 W change places, turn Partner halfway, face out of set 5 Lead Partner out, turn back Pass through! Catch Nei, face up/down 6 Lead Neighbour out, turn back Pass through! Catch Partner, ready again 1A Meet and Fall back; repeat 2A Siding 3A Arming Jamaica dupleminor BN0:1 doubleprogression 1 Cu1 take RH pause, LH pause, turn halfway 2 Nei take RH pause, LH pause, turn halfway 3 Cu1 figure8 up thru Cu2 4 (finish figure 8) Cu1 change places - with new neighbours 1 1Cor 2H turn 2 2Cor 2H turn 3 Nei 2H turn 1½ 4 All partners 2H turn to proper Yellow Stockings BN3:14 duple minor 9/8 Am ECD8-014 1 1co 2H turn 2 (twice!) 3 2co 2H turn 4 (twice!) 5 Cu1 slip down and back! 6 Cu1 cast to 2place 7 circular hey 4 changes 8 (finish circ) Knives and Forks BN8:09 6 steps per phrase dupleminor A1 Cu1 cast to 2place while Cu2 lead up Cu1 back to back A2 Cu2 cast to 2place while Cu1 lead up Cu2 back to back B1 Nei lead out (3), turn toward Nei (3) Lead back, cross set (3), Turn Single R (3) B2 1cor (in 2cor position) change places (3) 2cor change (3) Partners 2H turn Freeford Gardens BN3:9 dupleminor 1 All set to partner advancing, Turn Single R to place 2 cross R sh wide loop L finish improper 3 All set, TS R 4 cross R sh wide loop finish proper 5 Cu1 half figure8 down quick ! 6 Cu2 half figure8 up quick ! 7 Circle L halfway, fall back w nei 8 All 2H to proper Maid Peeped out at the Window BN0:10 4cu EASY 1 Lead partners up a double and back 2 again 3 1s lead single file cast down outside to invert line 4 partners set turn single 5 1s at bottom lead single file cast up outside to place 6 partners set turn single 1 Partners side 2 partners other side 3 facing music, slip across set to Partner's side (M in front W) 4 partners set turn single 5 facing down, slip across set to your own side (W in front) 6 partners set turn single 1 Partners arm 2 partners other arm 3 Cu1 pousette Cu2, Cu3 pousette Cu4 (M1 M3 push) 4 partners set turn single 5 finish pousette (W1 W3 push) 6 partners set turn single